Learn all about ways to improve your health by reading our educational blogs. We cover first responder specific lifestyle choices, exercise, nutrition and more...

Police Fitness Test: Master the Cooper Standard cop fitness cop fitness program how to train for police academy police academy police academy fitness police academy training police fitness prepare for police academy tactical fitness Aug 13, 2023


Becoming a police officer requires dedication, discipline, and the ability to meet certain physical fitness standards. One crucial aspect of the selection process is the police fitness test,...

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6 Pre-Academy Needs for Future LEOs cop training father and police officer law enforcement academy leo fitness program leo health and wellness leo training police academy police academy fitness program police academy training plan police fitness police health and wellness police training Jul 16, 2023

Before going to the Police Academy, there are several resources that people need to have in order to succeed in their training.


While some skills and traits can be acquired and learned at...

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Paternity On Patrol cop fitness cop fitness program cop training cop weight loss father and police officer health of police officers new dad cop paternity on patrol police academy police fitness police fitness program Jun 11, 2023

Since becoming a father at the end of last year, a number of people have reached out asking for advice on balancing being a new father with being a police officer.


This blog post will walk...

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6 Stress Management and Well-Being Strategies For LE Personnel academy fitness cop fitness plan cop fitness program leo fitness police academy police academy fitness program police fitness police health police mental health swat fitness swat officer training for cops Jun 04, 2023


Law Enforcement personnel face a unique set of stressors on a daily basis, and although these items on the list below seem easy enough, the majority of LE don’t utilize them enough.


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No Gym? No Problem! academy fitness academy prep at home workout law enforcement fitness law enforcement officer minimal equipment workout police academy police training recovery for cops workout for cops Mar 05, 2023

Are you in a situation where getting to the gym every day (or at all) isn't an option?


Night shift schedule, traveling for trainings or work, or just managing a busy schedule. It happens......

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All About Pain health of police officers law enforcement officer pain science police police academy police fitness program police injury Jan 22, 2023


Although pain is a nearly universally shared experience, it is a highly misunderstood phenomenon. Developing an understanding of pain, where it comes from, and why you’re experiencing...

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5 Ways Yoga Can Benefit an LEO's Health academy prep cop fitness cop fitness program first responder health of police officers officer health and wellness police academy police officer police yoga yoga for cops Jan 15, 2023


When I first started yoga 15 years ago, I went to a hot yoga studio to sweat, lose baby weight, and get my core strength back after a c-section.  While all of those things did happen,...

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5 Things You Can Expect the First Week of the Police Academy academy fitness academy prep cop fitness program cop weight loss law enforcement law enforcement officer police academy police fitness police fitness program police training Dec 18, 2022


The academy experience varies tremendously from location to location.  Some will be para-military and incredibly difficult while others will be more of a trade school.  With...

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5 Essentials for Prepared Cops academy fitness effective fitness patrol officer police academy police fitness police officer police training swat Oct 23, 2022


The realm of Law Enforcement and the gear that comes with it is no secret to those of us in the profession.


Neither is it a secret that officers range from the barely prepared... to...

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Your Body and Brain on Booze academy fitness alcohol cop fitness cop fitness program first responders law enforcement night shift police academy police fitness police training Oct 09, 2022


I recently competed in a SWAT competition which was a two day event consisting of a day of scenarios involving role-players and NLTA (non-lethal training ammo), followed by a day of shooting...

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5 Reasons for LEOs to Train with a Sandbag academy fitness academy prep cop fitness police academy sandbag training sandbag workout tactical fitness tactical training Sep 11, 2022




Depending on the program utilized, the sandbag can be used to develop strength, power, conditioning, endurance, and even mobility.



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7 Academy Diet Tips for Cops academy fitness cop weight loss first responder police academy police nutrition police nutrition plan tactical athlete tactical athlete nutrition tactical fitness Sep 01, 2022


It is no secret that being away from home and away from your own routine, your own grocery store, your kitchen, and your gym, seems like the perfect storm to allow your diet/clean healthy...

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