Learn all about ways to improve your health by reading our educational blogs. We cover first responder specific lifestyle choices, exercise, nutrition and more...

The Night Shift Diet: Eat Right, Feel Right, Perform Right best diet for cops diet health of police officers healthy healthy cop food healthy meals shift work meal prep meal prep for cops night shift healthy meals police academy diet police night shift police officer meal prep Nov 03, 2024

As a police officer/tactical athlete, shift work is just part of the job. Throughout your career, you will have both night and day shifts. Some of you may be alternating back and forth between...

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Essential Fitness Tips for Police Officers: Injury Prevention and Recovery Strategies academy fitness cooper standard cop fitness cop fitness program cop workout health of police officers home gym for cops how to train for police academy law enforement night shift cop Apr 28, 2024

As a police officer, maintaining peak physical fitness is not just essential for personal health but also for effective service to your community. Policing demands physical resilience, making...

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Finding New Limits for LEOs health of police officers law enforcement law enforcement academy law enforcement fitness law enforcement officer police fitness police officer police training Oct 29, 2023

The thing I love most about surrounding myself with high performers?  We’re constantly pushing ourselves – and each other – to new limits.


On the range –...

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3 Biggest Struggles with Police Officers Maintaining a Healthy Diet academy fitness cop fitness cop fitness plan cop fitness program cop weight loss health of police officers law enforcement fitness law enforcement officer leo nutrition night shift nutrition for police officers Jul 05, 2023

Police Officers face many challenges in their daily lives and maintaining a healthy diet can be one of them.


With long, unpredictable hours, limited access to healthy food options, and high...

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Paternity On Patrol cop fitness cop fitness program cop training cop weight loss father and police officer health of police officers new dad cop paternity on patrol police academy police fitness police fitness program Jun 11, 2023

Since becoming a father at the end of last year, a number of people have reached out asking for advice on balancing being a new father with being a police officer.


This blog post will walk...

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Sextortion: What, How, Prevention and Reporting cop fitness cop fitness program cop training health of police officers k9 officer leo fitness program leo knowledge leo training police resilience May 07, 2023

What is sextortion?

Have you ever heard of "sextortion"? It's a crime that has been increasingly talked about in recent years, and for good reason. Sextortion has become so prevalent that the...

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Supplements for Police Officers: Enhancing Performance on the Job cop fitness program health of police officers leo nutrition nutrition for cops police fitness police health and wellness program police officer workout police training supplements for cops Apr 17, 2023


Being a police officer is a demanding and physically exhausting job. It requires officers to be alert and ready for any situation, whether it be responding to emergencies, chasing down...

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All About Pain health of police officers law enforcement officer pain science police police academy police fitness program police injury Jan 22, 2023


Although pain is a nearly universally shared experience, it is a highly misunderstood phenomenon. Developing an understanding of pain, where it comes from, and why you’re experiencing...

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5 Ways Yoga Can Benefit an LEO's Health academy prep cop fitness cop fitness program first responder health of police officers officer health and wellness police academy police officer police yoga yoga for cops Jan 15, 2023


When I first started yoga 15 years ago, I went to a hot yoga studio to sweat, lose baby weight, and get my core strength back after a c-section.  While all of those things did happen,...

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Is Deliberate Cold Exposure Helpful for Cops? cold exposure deliberate cold exposure fitness recovery methods health of police officers ice bath law enforcement police fitness police officer mental health recovery for cops recovery for leos Dec 11, 2022


If you are lucky enough to live somewhere that the seasons change hard & fast, you will know that those cold winters offer more than just frostbite and frozen tires that lead to...

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