Learn all about ways to improve your health by reading our educational blogs. We cover first responder specific lifestyle choices, exercise, nutrition and more...

The Crucial Role of Sleep in the Lives of Police Officers first responders law enforcement officer police Jan 28, 2024

Law enforcement officers are the unsung heroes who tirelessly dedicate their lives to keeping our communities safe.


The demands of their job, particularly long and stressful shifts,...

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Finding New Limits for LEOs health of police officers law enforcement law enforcement academy law enforcement fitness law enforcement officer police fitness police officer police training Oct 29, 2023

The thing I love most about surrounding myself with high performers?  We’re constantly pushing ourselves – and each other – to new limits.


On the range –...

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3 Biggest Struggles with Police Officers Maintaining a Healthy Diet academy fitness cop fitness cop fitness plan cop fitness program cop weight loss health of police officers law enforcement fitness law enforcement officer leo nutrition night shift nutrition for police officers Jul 05, 2023

Police Officers face many challenges in their daily lives and maintaining a healthy diet can be one of them.


With long, unpredictable hours, limited access to healthy food options, and high...

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3 Non-Negotiables for Law Enforcement Officers academy fitness academy prep law enforcement fitness law enforcement officer police fitness police mindset police training Mar 19, 2023


Let's get right down to business. There are 3 non-negotiables as a Law Enforcement Officer. Here they are:



Poor time management primarily impacts an Officer’s...

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No Gym? No Problem! academy fitness academy prep at home workout law enforcement fitness law enforcement officer minimal equipment workout police academy police training recovery for cops workout for cops Mar 05, 2023

Are you in a situation where getting to the gym every day (or at all) isn't an option?


Night shift schedule, traveling for trainings or work, or just managing a busy schedule. It happens......

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4 Ways to Begin Implementing a Fitness Routine at Your Agency academy fitness cop fitness cop fitness program cop weight loss health and wellness program law enforcement officer physical fitness test police fitness police fitness program police nutrition Feb 19, 2023



Do you ever feel left out on the fitness island at your agency?  Like you’re trying to move a mountain… but the mountain won’t budge?


We hear you. ...

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All About Pain health of police officers law enforcement officer pain science police police academy police fitness program police injury Jan 22, 2023


Although pain is a nearly universally shared experience, it is a highly misunderstood phenomenon. Developing an understanding of pain, where it comes from, and why you’re experiencing...

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5 Things You Can Expect the First Week of the Police Academy academy fitness academy prep cop fitness program cop weight loss law enforcement law enforcement officer police academy police fitness police fitness program police training Dec 18, 2022


The academy experience varies tremendously from location to location.  Some will be para-military and incredibly difficult while others will be more of a trade school.  With...

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