Learn all about ways to improve your health by reading our educational blogs. We cover first responder specific lifestyle choices, exercise, nutrition and more...

3 Biggest Struggles with Police Officers Maintaining a Healthy Diet academy fitness cop fitness cop fitness plan cop fitness program cop weight loss health of police officers law enforcement fitness law enforcement officer leo nutrition night shift nutrition for police officers Jul 05, 2023

Police Officers face many challenges in their daily lives and maintaining a healthy diet can be one of them.


With long, unpredictable hours, limited access to healthy food options, and high...

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Your Body and Brain on Booze academy fitness alcohol cop fitness cop fitness program first responders law enforcement night shift police academy police fitness police training Oct 09, 2022


I recently competed in a SWAT competition which was a two day event consisting of a day of scenarios involving role-players and NLTA (non-lethal training ammo), followed by a day of shooting...

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Night Shift Hacks For Police Officers cop cops law enforcement leo meal prep night shift nightshift officer police police fitness police officer police training May 08, 2022


The majority of our Effective Fitness Team Members have endured the brutal night shift at some point in their career. The "night shift" is often referred to as dogwatch, graveyard, and...

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