Blog Articles

Paradigm Shift Sep 03, 2023

par·a·digm shift


a fundamental change in approach or underlying assumptions.


The term "paradigm shift" denotes a fundamental change in approach or underlying assumptions.


In the realm of law enforcement, particularly in the United States, there is a pressing need...

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Supplements for Police Officers: Enhancing Performance on the Job Apr 17, 2023


Being a police officer is a demanding and physically exhausting job. It requires officers to be alert and ready for any situation, whether it be responding to emergencies, chasing down criminals, or performing physically demanding tasks.


To maintain their physical and mental...

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Befriend Stress & Rethink Negativity - A Mindset Hack for LEOs Apr 03, 2023


One of my favorite TED TALKS of all times is Kelly McGonigal’s “How to Make Stress Your Friend”.  I first watched it during a training class I attended in 2016, and have since shown it nearly 100 times when I train others. 


Kelly McGonigal is a health...

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