About Us

After graduating the Police Academy I was ready to start working. Training and working out was always a passion in my life. After a few years on the force, I looked around and I noticed something. Something that was scary. Some of my brothers and sisters in uniform were not physically fit and I felt unable to effective. 
As my career progressed I continued to seek more knowledge on helping my fellow first responders to be effective in stressful situations not only physically but applying life saving skills under physical duress. I knew something had to change. I love my job and my country. I knew that to effectively serve and protect others we needed to be strong, fast, agile. I started developing training programs for officers and sharing my workout with my friends. The mission and my resolve grew. I swore to protect others, my family, and friends. 
AND now I want to share that passion and mission with you!
We believe that being prepared is a way of life; a conscious decision that is made every day. Our program is built for active first responders and those looking to get into the profession of protecting lives. This program applies to all of us. What are you going to do when it’s your son or daughter, best friend or even a stranger that needs your help. Will you be effective when the time comes?
In the time of need you are going to revert back to your lowest level of training, so train at the highest level
We are going to change the way we look at fitness. This program is not only for first responders but for anyone who wants to be effective in today's changing society; the mindset MUST match the physical ability and skill.  Thrive in a situation. Save lives.   


We decided to provide a program that would make you effective in the real world. One that prepared you for reality. This program is 5 days a week with one active recovery day and one rest day. 
The workouts will take less than an hour to complete. They were designed to be difficult and push you to your limits. With the help of physical therapists and strength & conditioning coaches, there is dynamic mobility work mixed in to help you move better while building strength, endurance, agility, and performance. 
We house the program in an elite software app that is easy to use and can be downloaded in the app store. There are videos of all the exercises. This program is designed to make you more effective.
It’s not just fitness… it's effective fitness. It’s not just you working out, it's you training with a purpose.
Be effective for your family, be effective for life.